Threat of Malaria

  • Sreejith N Kumar, MBBS, MD Kerala Medical Journal
Keywords: Burden of Malaria, Malaria Control, National Anti-Malaria Program


Background: In India, about 2 million confirmed malaria cases and l000 deaths are reported annually, although 15 million cases and 20.000 deaths are estimated by WHO South East Asia Regional Office. India contributes 77% of the total malaria in Southeast Asia.
Objective: To find out the influence of management practices in lowering malaria morbidity and mortality.
Result: Malaria morbidity decreased in EMCP districts by 43% and nationwide by 38%. Almost one million fewer cases were diagnosed in 2004 than in 1997. Three states Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh, and Maharashtra, reduced malaria morbidity by 65-70%.

Author Biography

Sreejith N Kumar, MBBS, MD, Kerala Medical Journal

Department of Medicine, Diploma in Diabetology; Editor

How to Cite
Kumar, S. (2008). Threat of Malaria. Kerala Medical Journal, 1(2), 39-40.