Maternal Hypothyroidism

  • A G Unnikrishnan, MD, DM, DNB, MNAMS Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Cochin.
Keywords: Hypothyroidism, Evaluation, Screening management


The occurrence of hypothyroidism in pregnancy can have adverse effects on the mother and the fetus. In addition, recent research has indicated that in the first half of pregnancy, an adequate thyroid hormone level could play an important role in fetal brain development. Clinical signs of hypothyroidism in pregnancy are not very specific and sensitive. Therefore, serum TSH estimation is the best way to make a diagnosis. Hypothyroidism in pregnancy, whether overt or subclinical, requires therapy with levothyroxine. Frequent monitoring and precise dose titration are required. The aim of therapy is to achieve a TSH value <2.5 mu/L. This is important to ensure a successful pregnancy outcome.

Author Biography

A G Unnikrishnan, MD, DM, DNB, MNAMS, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Cochin.


How to Cite
Unnikrishnan, A. (2009). Maternal Hypothyroidism. Kerala Medical Journal, 2(1), 29-32.