Ureterosigmoidostomy following Radical Cystectomy – Reviewing four years of experience relating to Complications

  • Amish Mehta Government Medical College, Trivandrum
  • S Vasudevan Medical College, Trivandrum
Keywords: Invasive bladder cancer, Radical cystectomye, Ureterosigmoidostomy, Followup and quality of life


Introduction: Surgical management of carcinoma bladder gives the best results in the appropriate patient. But the quality of life after the procedure is decided by the type of urinary diversion performed. Often the limiting factor in this decision is the operating time and the operating fitness of the patient. Though over years continent diversion is the gold standard we may have to perform ureterosigmoidostomy due to patient factors.
Objectives: to study the morbidity and mortality of a group of patients who underwent ureterosigmoidostomy and were followed up.
Materials and Methods: retrospective analysis of 25 patients who were operated over a period of 4 years for invasive bladder cancer and were followed up on an outpatient basis.
Results: patients were studied for mortality, perioperative morbidity, recurrence of malignancy and development of secondary malignancy. The resumption of normal physical activity and employment was also studied.
Conclusion: Retrospective assessment of our cases done over last four years shows that a satisfactory quality of life can be expected in properly counselled patients following ureterosigmoidostomy.

Author Biographies

Amish Mehta, Government Medical College, Trivandrum

Senior Resident, Department of Urology

S Vasudevan, Medical College, Trivandrum

Additional Professor Urology

How to Cite
Mehta, A., & Vasudevan, S. (2013). Ureterosigmoidostomy following Radical Cystectomy – Reviewing four years of experience relating to Complications. Kerala Medical Journal, 6(4), 84-87. https://doi.org/10.52314/kmj.2013.v6i4.301
Original Research