Major Bleeding during Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy in Cardiac Surgery

  • Carmen Francis MUDr. Foundation Year 1 Doctor, Kent and Canterbury Hospital, UK
Keywords: Deep sternal wound infection, Negative pressure wound therapy, Right ventricular rupture


Infection of the sternotomy wound is potentially devastating and can sometimes cause lethal complications following cardiac surgery. Application of negative pressure by controlled suction through a porous dressing has emerged as a simple and effective treatment for a wide spectrum of surgical wounds. Negative-pressure wound therapy (NPWT) has been used for the treatment of deep sternal wound infection (DSWI) with promising results. However, questions have been raised regarding the potential risk of right ventricle or vessel rupture during treatment leading to major bleeding.

How to Cite
Francis, C. (2016). Major Bleeding during Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy in Cardiac Surgery. Kerala Medical Journal, 9(1), 36-39.
Review Article