Hospital Violence – The Causes, the Response and the Way Forward

  • Ravindra Wankhedkar Department of Surgery; National President IMA 2018.
  • S Vasudevan Department of Urology and IMA, KMJ


Any behaviour that is responsible for physical or emotional harm to the healthcare persons is violence.
Violence against doctors is seriously threatening. It is an effect of unwell, pathetically backed healthcare system. The hospitals cannot be allowed to become war zones as sick people need a peaceful environment and the Doctors also need a stable and peaceful ambience for delivering 100% selfless quality care. Because of violence doctors have started practicing defensive medicine. Finally, the stressful hospital environment is making doctors as well as patients suffer the brunt.

Author Biographies

Ravindra Wankhedkar, Department of Surgery; National President IMA 2018.


S Vasudevan, Department of Urology and IMA, KMJ


How to Cite
Wankhedkar, R., & Vasudevan, S. (2018). Hospital Violence – The Causes, the Response and the Way Forward. Kerala Medical Journal, 11(1), 4-7.