Post-Covid Fatigue a Way Forward

  • PV Benny Sree Gokulam Medical College, Kerala, India


Post-COVID fatigue and anhedonia are common after recovery from novel coronavirus infection that affects all domains of life of the patients. In this context, fatigue is defined as the decrease in physical and/or mental performance that results from changes in central, psychological, and/or peripheral factors due to the COVID-19 disease .Many patients with “Long Covid” are experiencing extreme fatigue, a condition that repolarizes treatment and rehabilitation methods. Some patients with lung injury experience persistent respiratory symptoms, but for those who were previously healthy and without other complications, the prospects are good, and functional recovery is better than expected by radiological evidence. For many people, persistent physical and mental fatigue is a disturbing reality. Of those patients with any prolonged fatigue syndrome initially, 58% still reported fatigue 12 months later. Most importantly, the risk of developing prolonged fatigue was not increased in patients who initially had psychological distress, neither was the risk of developing psychological distress increased in patients who initially had prolonged fatigue.

Author Biography

PV Benny, Sree Gokulam Medical College, Kerala, India

Chief Editor, IMA Kerala Medical Journal; Professor, Department of Community Medicine,

How to Cite
Benny, P. (2021). Post-Covid Fatigue a Way Forward. Kerala Medical Journal, 14(1), 1-2.