RT-PCR Negative COVID 19 – Akin to Smear Negative Pulmonary Tuberculosis? – A Case Report

  • B Ganesh Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences, Trivandrum, Kerala
  • P Arjun Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences, Anayara P.O, Trivandrum
  • K A Ameer Department of Respiratory Medicine, Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences, Anayara P.O, Trivandrum, Kerala
  • Vinodkumar Kesavan Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences, Anayara P.O, Trivandrum, Kerala
  • A Rajalakshmi Anayara P.O, Trivandrum, Kerala
  • Muhammad Niyas Anayara P.O, Trivandrum, Kerala
  • R Muralidharan Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences, Anayara P.O, Trivandrum, Kerala
  • V Deepak Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences, Anayara P.O, Trivandrum, Kerala
Keywords: False negative RT-PCR, COVID 19 antibody test, CO-RADS


We report a case of 34-year-old physician who presented with classical clinicoradiological features suggestive of COVID-19 but five sequential rRT-PCR (real time Reverse Transcription Polymerase chain reaction) tests were negative. After admission, he was hypoxic and febrile. He had clinical worsening and laboratory parameters suggestive of an impending cytokine storm and he was appropriately managed as per institution protocol. Meanwhile, his antibody test for COVID 19 came positive for both Ig G and Ig M with high IgM level. He had a dramatic recovery and was discharged within 10 days. It is difficult to distinguish COVID-19 pneumonia from other viral pneumonia based on RT-PCR and CT findings alone. In this context, this case report is being published to highlight this fact.

Author Biographies

B Ganesh, Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences, Trivandrum, Kerala

 MBBS, Resident, Department of Respiratory Medicine

P Arjun, Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences, Anayara P.O, Trivandrum

DTCD, DNB, MNAMS, Senior Consultant, Professor and Head, Department of Respiratory Medicine

K A Ameer, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences, Anayara P.O, Trivandrum, Kerala

 MD, DTCD, Professor &Senior Consultant

Vinodkumar Kesavan, Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences, Anayara P.O, Trivandrum, Kerala

 MD, IDCCM, MRCP(UK), Senior Consultant, Department of Respiratory Medicine

A Rajalakshmi, Anayara P.O, Trivandrum, Kerala

DNB, Senior Consultant, Infectious Diseases, Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences

Muhammad Niyas, Anayara P.O, Trivandrum, Kerala

 MD, DNB, DM, Associate Consultant, Infectious Diseases, Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences

R Muralidharan, Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences, Anayara P.O, Trivandrum, Kerala

 MD, DA, IDCCM, Senior Consultant, Critical Care Medicine 

V Deepak, Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences, Anayara P.O, Trivandrum, Kerala

 MD, EDIC, Senior Consultant, Critical care medicine

How to Cite
Ganesh, B., Arjun, P., Ameer, K., Kesavan, V., Rajalakshmi, A., Niyas, M., Muralidharan, R., & Deepak, V. (2021). RT-PCR Negative COVID 19 – Akin to Smear Negative Pulmonary Tuberculosis? – A Case Report. Kerala Medical Journal, 14(1), 14-17. https://doi.org/10.52314/kmj.2021.v14i1.601
Case Series / Case Report