The Changing Role of the Pathologist in the Era of Precision Medicine: A Brief Review

  • Neena Mampilly Baby Memorial Hospital, Kozhikode
Keywords: Good Quality Tissue, Guardians of Tissue, Precision Oncology,


Precision oncology, an upcoming field of Oncology, aims to target the specific genetic alterations in tumour cells, thereby avoiding the harmful effects of chemotherapy on normal cells, and improving quality of life. The role of the pathologists is changing, from being pure diagnosticians to ensuring good quality tissue and ensuring adequate tissue which is crucial for all necessary tests to guide tailored therapy in an individual case

Author Biography

Neena Mampilly, Baby Memorial Hospital, Kozhikode

 MD, Consultant Pathologist

How to Cite
Mampilly, N. (2024). The Changing Role of the Pathologist in the Era of Precision Medicine: A Brief Review. Kerala Medical Journal, 17(1), 57-58.
Brief Communication